
All-in-One Platform to Automate Your Sales to Supply Chain Operations

All-in-one business automation platform

BasiqCRM is a powerful suite of applications to empower your business operations with automation

Industry leaders that trust us

Sales Force Automation

Automate sales activities of your sales force and channel partners to close more deals—faster—and boost your revenues

Sales Force Automation

  • Powerful Dashboards
  • Order Management
  • Travel Planning
  • Expense Management
  • Gifts & POPs

Powerful Dashboards

  • Dashboard with the most popular KPIs and metrics reflecting the progress on business objectives
  • Inquiry management system for sales teams with data coming in from various sources
  • Customer network management including distributors, direct dealers, retailers, and other sales influencers

Order Management

  • Order management including primary (execution by company) and secondary orders (approval and execution by distributors using WhatsApp)
  • Sales force attendance management with punch in and punch outs integrated with HRIS via APIs for reporting
  • Check in module to monitor and log salespeople's visits during the day

Travel Planning

  • Leave management with leave application approval by senior managers
  • Travel plan to plan visits, calendars, and get approval from managers
  • Follow up leads with reminders connected to the Inquiries and Customer Network modules

Expense Management

  • Announcements to share notifications and updates to the entire team
  • Expenses management with financial approvals for expense requests from salespeople
  • Event planning to organize and manage events with approval from managers

Gifts & POPs

  • POP and gifts to manage and monitor marketing material
  • Tasks to assign to-dos and track the progress
  • Targets
    • Sales target
      • Primary target: Customer- and segment-wise
      • Secondary target
    • Counter visit targets

Dealer Management System

Improve your primary and secondary order pipeline with our cloud-based dealer management system offering 360º transparency into your channel partnerships

Dealer Management System

  • Customers Network
  • Order Management
  • Sales Targets

Customers Network

  • Dashboard showing most popular KPIs and metrics related to business objectives
  • Customer network management including distributors, direct dealers, retailers, and other sales influencers

Order Management

  • Order management including primary (execution by company) and secondary orders (approval and execution by distributors using WhatsApp)
  • Accounts to manage invoicing, payments/receipts, credit note, ledgers, and outstanding/overdue
    • Integrated with accounting software such as Tally, Busy, SAP, ERPs etc via APIs

Sales Targets

  • Announcements to share notifications and updates to the entire team by the admin
  • Survey module to conduct surveys with dealers and distributors
  • Party-wise targets

Influencer Rewards Management

Encourage your dealers, distributors, retailers, and other sales influencers to sell more of your products with our QR-based loyalty and rewards management system

Influencer Rewards Management

  • QR-Based Points
  • Paytm/UPI Transfers
  • Points Redemption

QR-Based Points

  • Quick, effortless set up of QR-based rewards programs and point redemptions for your channel partners
  • Time-based, product-based, area-wise bonus schemes
  • One-time and transaction-based referral incentives

Paytm/UPI Transfers

  • Choice of redemption via Paytm wallet, UPI transfers, or physical gifts
  • Dynamic point values dependent on the sales revenues
  • Change loyalty campaigns, manage rewards, and pause or stop campaigns whenever you want

Points Redemption

  • Scan-based and transfer-based (from one party to another in case of non-QR coded inventory) points earnings
  • Invoicing-based transfers to distributors and retailers
  • Monitor and track your loyalty program's performance in real-time and respond to channel partner claims faster

Inventory & Dispatch

Manage your inventory and dispatch processes inside and out your warehouse with QR-based automation

Inventory & Dispatch

  • QR-Based Inventory
  • QR-Mapped Dispatch

QR-Based Inventory

  • QR-code based inventory generation
  • Stock management across multiple warehouse with two major approaches
    • Warehouse to warehouse transfer
    • Warehouse to customer transfer

QR-Mapped Dispatch

  • Dispatch against the invoice with QR-code mapping
  • Gate pass generation
  • Sales returns
  • Label reprinting in case of price changes, transportation issues etc.
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